Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

different doesnt always bad

first thing i was saying when i looked him,
“we have everything in a same line. i like quote, word, and so he is. he loves a great lyric which post in his status. he loves british world, and so do i. i love english in every way. how great is it?!”
and now it started. we both know that we’ve been in a different way. in a long time, exactly.

he loves to argue, i choose to shut up.
he likes every social theory/learning, but i prefer to science.
he loves every books, i just read a novels and comics.
he watched for comedy and action. but i did watch thriller or horror.
he's into old-band, and i love a band with an attractive guy inside.
he's alive in campus with his bustle, while i was getting bored to wait for a class.
he's oversleep, and i just watched him struggling with his sweet dream. (huh?)

and so, the thing on my mind makes me wonder,“how can we make it through?”
and i just can make it clear. “never underestimate the power of love.."
LYMED, saputra :)

post ini dicuri dari blog pacar gue. XD 

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